It’s Cold Out There, But Untermyer Gardens is Going to Be Hot this Spring

untermyerIf you haven’t been over to Untermyer Gardens recently – and by recently, I mean when it was actually warm and sunny – you really ought to put it on your to-do list for the spring.


In addition to simply thinking about warmer temps at the moment, the nonprofit group Untermeyer Gardens Conservancy has doubled downed on Miracle-Gro and raised a ton of green to make some exciting improvements to the gardens, according to my former TJN colleague Bill Cary, who recently wrote about how supporters have been bringing the gardens “back from ruin for the last four years.”

Three major capital projects, totaling $500,000, are poised to improve the 44-acre public park in Yonkers. Among the improvements are restoring the Temple of Love; relining water canals in the Walled Garden; and hiring more gardeners, among some other exciting changes in programing including a June gala where Martha Stewart has agreed to serve as an honorary chair.

Improvements to Untermyer are a fraction of the exciting things happening in Yonkers. Be Part of it

Read more about these exciting changes at or check out Untermyer Gardens’ website.